- of the information-service „Vergabe Spezial“, published monthly by PUC Mainz GmbH
- of the magazine „Vergabe Navigator“, published every two months by Reguvis Fachmedien
Regular author
e.g. in the periodicals
- „BauR Online“ (construction law online)
- „Behoerden Spiegel“ (public authorities newspaper)
- „Immobilien- & Baurecht“ (IBR) (real estate and construction law) and
- „Vergaberecht“ (VgR) (Tendering law)
- „Vergaberecht und subjektiver Rechtsschutz“ (1998)
- „Vergaberecht kompakt“, 9th edition (2023)
- „E-Vergabe in der Praxis“ (2014)
- „Europarecht“ (Handbook of European Law), edited by Schulze/Janssen/Kadelbach, 4th edition (2020)
- the commentary of Byok/Jaeger „Kommentar zum GWB-Vergaberecht“, 4th edition (2018)
- „Münchener Prozessformularbuch“, 6th edition (2022)
Numerous essays, articles etc.
in well-known periodicals (BauR, BauR Online, BB, JZ, NVwZ, WuW, ZfBR …)